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Name (Criminology & Correctional Administration), Ph.D. (Social Work). He worked as Psychiatric Counselor, Social Welfare Officer in Govt. of Goa. He has to his credit Nine Research Project as Project Director and Project Coordinator sponsored by Planning Commission Govt. of India, W.H.O. Ministry of Women and Child Welfare, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and Indian Council of Social Science (ICSSR), New Delhi. He is a recipient of minor and major research from University Grant Commission. He is recognized Ph.D. guide of RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. There are 12 students awarded Ph.D. under his guidance and supervision. He has published five research articles in edited books, 15 articles in national and international research journals. He has published six edited books on various social issues. He has attended three International conferences at Bangkok-Thailand, Paris and Bali-Indonesia. He was invited to delivered lecture by University of Malaya, Kaulampur, Malaysia. He has visited Switzerland and Vatican City (Italy). He is research consultant and present working as Principal, GURU SAHIB TECHNICAL “A” grade institute accredited by NAAC, Bangalore.


Name specializing in Criminology & Correctional Administration and Labour Welfare and Personnel Management, M.Phil. in Social Work, Ph.D. in Social Work from RTM Nagpur University. Presently he is working as Associate Professor at GURU SAHIB TECHNICAL, Nagpur. He was former Principal at B.P. National Institute of Social Work, Nagpur and at Dhanaji Nana Chaudhari Vidya Prabhodhini’s College of Social Work, Jalgaon. He is the recipient of minor and major research of University Grant Commission of Western Regional Centre Pune and New Delhi. He is the research supervisor in three universities namely RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon and Tilak Maharashtra University, Pune. 14 students awarded Ph.D. degree under his supervision. He authored book on Tribal Children: Health, Education and Labour published by Dattsons and publication. His articles are published as a chapter in edited books. He participated and presented paper in many national and international seminars and conferences. He is nominated on Govt. bodies and member of academic professional organizations.